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Food Safety: Not Just for Indoors

From Our Kitchen

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With the kick-off of cookout season, now is a good time to remind yourself and your family about food safety in your home, including your backyard.  There were 48 million cases of food-borne illnesses reported in the United States last year.  At least 128,000 people required hospitalization and died due to consuming tainted food. While everyone knows food safety is crucial in the food service industry, it is equally important in your home – whether you're cooking in your kitchen or your backyard. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) created a set of rules and guidelines for preparing food that is safe for you to eat called HACCP: Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points. The four basic rules rules are HACCP are: 1) Clean. 2) Do not cross contaminate. Keep raw meats and ready-to-eat foods separate. 3) Cook to a safe temperature. 4) Chill foods promptly. Defrost or marinate in your refrigerator, not your counter. SAGE fully follows these guidelines to ensure your children enjoy great-tasting, safe meals. By following them in your own home, you can ensure safe meals for your families as well. To learn more about HACCP guidelines, please visit http://www.fda.gov/food/foodsafety/hazardanalysiscriticalcontrolpointshaccp/default.htm.

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