Locally Sourced: Arnold Farms
Locally Sourced
Arnold Farms is one of several producers that provides SAGE venues with fresh, local produce through wholesale supplier Hearn Kirkwood. Here, Farmer Bob Arnold talks about tough love, trial and error, the supply chain, and his hopes for the future of our food system. How’d you get into farming? 40 years ago, I got thrown out of college for the third time—and it wasn’t for academic excellence. My mother was at her wit’s end, and she said, “Bob, [there are]...
Friends and Flavors: Chinese Hot Pot
From Our Kitchen
Chinese hot pot consists of cooking meat, vegetables, noodles, tofu, and seafood in a communal pot of hot, flavored broth. The items are often served with additional broth, rice, and sauce options. The dish is usually enjoyed with a group of people to celebrate Chinese New Year, but is also a common winter meal. There are many regional versions of hot pot throughout China. What makes one different from another is the broth, as well as the specific meats, seafood...
From Our Kitchen: Holiday Recipes
From Our Kitchen
Baked Ham Serves 8 Ingredients: 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 cup unsweetened pineapple juice 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 tablespoon plus ½ teaspoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon plus ½ teaspoon water 6¼-pound cured ham Preparation: Step 1: Preheat oven to 350°F. Step 2: Add cornstarch to water and mix well. Step 3: In a small saucepan, combine brown sugar, pineapple juice, cinnamon, and nutmeg; bring to a boil. Add cornstarch-water mixture to thicken. Step 4: Place ham...
From Our Kitchen: Açai-Pomegranate Mojito Mocktail
From Our Kitchen
‘Tis the season for hosting parties, gathering with family and friends, and cuddling up by the fire. A sparkling mocktail can make the season even more special. Try this refreshing Açai-Pomegranate Mojito for a nice balance of sweet and tart. Ingredients: 10 fresh mint leaves 10 fresh blueberries 5 ounces açai-pomegranate juice 1 ounce fresh-squeezed lime juice 3 ice cubes 3 ounces of club soda Preparation: Step 1: Muddle mint and blueberries in a lowball glass. Step 2: Add juices...
On Our Shelves: SaltFatAcidHeat by Samin Nosrat
Samin Nosrat’s SaltFatAcidHeat is an engaging mix of memoir, culinary science textbook, and cookbook. A true two-for-one, it could be two entirely separate books. The first section comprises four chapters: one each on salt, fat, acid, and heat. Each chapter begins with a personal story, follows with a scientific explanation of how that element works in cooking, and ends with an application of the element to specific recipes. The second section delves into great detail on scores of individual recipes...
From Our Dietitians: Nutritional Remedies for Illness
We’ve all been there. You’re coming down with something fast, and even though you’ve heard all the old wives’ tales—start the BRAT Diet; starve a fever, feed a cold; make Grandma Rosa’s chicken noodle soup; pick up some Emergen-C®; chug a gallon of orange juice—you’re still at a loss for the right remedy. There’s so much conflicting advice because there are so few scientific studies dedicated to determining what’s true. Some folk remedies have been investigated, but conclusions have been...
From Our Dietitians: Trending Oils
Fat is back! After decades of low-fat and no-fat hype, most dietitians agree that healthy fats have a place in our diet. After all, fat adds flavor, provides energy, helps you feel full, and promotes healthy neurological function and homeostasis. There are three main types of fatty acid—saturated, unsaturated, and trans—that compose any macromolecular “fat” that we can see or consume. Saturated and trans fats have tight bonds that tend to make them solid at room temperature, whereas unsaturated fats...
“Where does your food come from?” - SAGE’s Commitment to Local Sourcing
At times, we’re asked, “Where does your food come from?” We’re always thrilled to answer this question, and we wish it were asked more often. At SAGE, we think it’s important for students to know where their food comes from — both to recognize the time, skill, and resources necessary to produce the food they eat, and to understand the implications of their consumption for soil and water quality, animal welfare, local economies, and global climate change. Food is...