• Serving independent schools and colleges with since 1990

Navigating Your Online Menu

Online Menu, Menu Development

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SAGE’s online menu has many tools and features to help you navigate the options in your dining hall.

Online Menu Features 

Online menus feature a restaurant-style format where menu items are organized by the following categories: Specials, Soups, Salads, Deli, Entrées, Sides and Vegetables, and Desserts. Under each menu item, you’ll see the station name for where you can find that offering. To sort by station, click the BY STATION button directly below the menu name on the left-hand side. You can also toggle between the daily and weekly menu views.  

If your food service program offers multiple menus (e.g., lower school, upper school, on-campus café, etc.), you can use the drop-down feature under TODAY’S MENU to navigate between the available menus. Depending on the mealtimes your program serves, use the drop-down box in the middle to select which meal you'd like to see the menu for (breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack). Check out extra offerings, such as condiments and drinks, within ADDITIONAL DAILY OFFERINGS. 

Allergen and Eating Patterns Filter 

If you have a food allergy, you can easily find menu items that are free of your allergen(s). Toward the upper right-hand corner, click the Allergens & Eating Patterns drop-down, then choose which allergen(s) you want to avoid. Any menu item that contains the selected allergen(s) will fade and have a strike through it.  

Did you notice a lightbulb or drop of oil icon? Here’s what those symbols mean:  

  • A lightbulb icon means an allergen may be in the menu item, depending on the ingredients used. When you see the lightbulb, avoid the dish or ask your SAGE Manager for more information.  
  • The drop of oil icon indicates the menu item gets fried in shared oil. If you see the drop of oil icon, avoid the dish or ask your SAGE Manager if foods containing your allergen(s) were prepared in the same frying oil. 

The allergens and eating patterns filter also allows you to find options that are vegan- or vegetarian-friendly. To learn more about our online filter, check out this video.   

Ingredient Transparency 

Your online menu allows you to see what ingredients were used in a recipe. To access this, simply click on any menu item. You’ll see a pop-up box that lists the ingredients used, along with any allergen tags. 

On the top right-hand side of the same box, there’s a tab for viewing nutrition information. We passcode protect nutrition information as part of our approach to prevent eating disorders. Part of this approach includes sharing the code with parents and appropriate school contacts within your community. If necessary, please request the code from your SAGE Manager.  

Nutrition Guidance 

SAGE’s nutrition philosophy is All Foods Fit! This means there are no “good” or “bad” foods because we eat many different foods for many different reasons. Food supports physical, social, emotional, mental, and cultural well-being — which support overall health. We have two programs that provide nutrition guidance and education: SAGE Spotlight Program® and Performance Spotlight®. 

The SAGE Spotlight Program® SAGE Spotlight Program® focuses on creating a positive relationship with food and guides community members on building nutritionally balanced plates. On your menu, you’ll see various green dots next to menu items; these are called Spotlights. Each menu item is assigned a Spotlight based on its nutrient density. Foods higher in nutrient density contain more of the nutrition the body needs to function. Choose foods you enjoy while practicing variety, balance, and moderation! To learn more about the SAGE Spotlight Program®, check out our website or watch this video. 

Performance Spotlight® is our nutrition guidance program for athletes and active students. The program shows them how to incorporate the necessary nutrients for proper fueling before, during, and after physical activity. If your school runs Performance Spotlight®, you can click the Performance Spotlight® runner icon within the ALLERGENS & EATING PATTERNS drop-down to search for menu items that contain a protein, starch, and vegetable. These items provide the best sources of fuel for physical activity. For more information about Performance Spotlight®, watch this video 

In case you missed it, read about everything that goes into creating a SAGE menu here! 

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All Foods Fit: Celebrating Food and Culture

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Celebrating National Native American Heritage Month

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